Patterson-Kelley Solutions Blog

Commercial Piping Practices Revisted

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 13, 2024 11:49:58 AM / by Patterson-Kelley posted in Variable Primary Piping, Primary-Secondary Piping

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*This blog was original posted in 2023

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Embracing Efficiency: Hybrid Systems in Commercial Heating

[fa icon="calendar'] May 7, 2024 2:14:46 PM / by Patterson-Kelley

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Embracing Efficiency: The Power of Hybrid Systems in Commercial Heating

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Commercial Piping Practices 101

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 23, 2023 2:23:32 PM / by Patterson-Kelley posted in Variable Primary Piping, Primary-Secondary Piping

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When it comes to installing commercial boilers and water heaters, selecting the right piping method is crucial for optimal performance and energy efficiency. Various piping methods are employed to ensure proper circulation and heat distribution within the system. In this blog, we will explore different piping methods commonly used in commercial settings, offering a comparative analysis to help you make an informed decision based on your specific requirements.

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PK-COMPACT: How can it mitigate Legionella?

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 30, 2022 10:54:31 AM / by Patterson-Kelley posted in PK-COMPACT

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Legionella is a concern for all commercial, health and institutional domestic water systems. This is the bacterium that is linked to Legionnaires’ disease and it is important that all water systems have the correct processes to fight against any possible growth of Legionella bacteria. After Legionella grows and multiplies in a water system, water containing the bacteria can spread in droplets small enough for people to breath in leading to the contracting of legionnaire’s disease. (4) In this Patterson-Kelley blog, we will educate our readers on the main causes of Legionella growth in water systems, the proper way to alleviate the dangers of Legionella, and the efficiency of our COMPACT units Legionella deterring processes.

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Analyzing the Difference Between Delta-P & Delta-T

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 3, 2022 11:00:00 AM / by Patterson-Kelley posted in Delta-P and Delta-T

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Delta P & Delta-T in HVAC Systems

The concepts we hear revolving around the best practices in the HVAC industry all have their place in conversation when it comes to proper sizing, building management, heat-exchanger materials, piping systems, venting, and everything in-between. In our blog series at Patterson-Kelley we attempt to demystify much of the jargon surrounding the industry and hope that it helps everyone understand the foundation of HVAC systems. In this blog, we are going to look at one word that we have all heard and used before; Delta.

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Using Glycol in Aluminum Boilers

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 23, 2021 9:39:28 AM / by Patterson-Kelley posted in Boiler, Condensing Boilers, Water Quality, Condensing, aluminum boilers, commercial boilers, watertube, Boiler Design

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Boiler water applications can vary in both size and complexity, but one thing is consistent, the additives used in your comfort heating water are specific to the system you are supplying them to. When selecting additives such as glycol, knowing your boiler type, material, and that of the adjacent piping is imperative. Different glycols are designed for varied equipment materials, aluminum, for example, so knowing this information beforehand can save you and your facility a significant amount of time and money.

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Achieving Perfect Combustion

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 26, 2021 10:29:41 AM / by Patterson-Kelley

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CombustionWith efficiency becoming a factor in the basis of design of new construction buildings, HVAC manufacturers have to consider how a heat exchanger controls the combustion to ensure the unit is condensing at an efficient rate. We can also ask how does a unit know what is the correct mixing ratio to make the most efficient package? What controls need to be put in place to analyze the combustion so dynamic adjustments can be made to varying load conditions? These are important questions without uniform answers. The key is ensuring that the unit can maintain its air and fuel balance, without introducing an excess of either one. This is achieved mechanically or electronically.

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Water Tube vs. Fire Tube Heating Design

[fa icon="calendar'] Oct 21, 2020 8:30:00 AM / by Patterson-Kelley posted in Boiler, aluminum boilers, commercial boilers, stainless steel boilers, watertube, Firetube, Boiler Design, combustion

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Fire-and-WaterIt’s a question as old as the heating designs themselves— Which is superior, water tube or fire tube boilers?  While both technologies have developed enormously throughout their lifetime, both water tube and fire tube designs possess certain inherent benefits and shortcomings. In this blog, we will highlight what makes these two boiler styles unique, putting a magnifying glass to the advantages and disadvantages of each design.

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Part 3: Introducing the NURO® 2.0

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 15, 2020 9:45:00 AM / by Patterson-Kelley posted in Condensing Boilers, Non-Condensing Boilers, Water Heaters, Condensing Water Heaters, commercial boilers, controls, smart controls

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In our previous two blog posts, we have taken a deep dive into Patterson-Kelley’s NURO® touchscreen control system. More specifically, the innovative and cost saving features and that separate it from other boiler controls in the industry. In this part of the Patterson-Kelley NURO® Control System series, we take a look at the upcoming iteration of the NURO®, the NURO® 2.0, and all of the capabilities it will offer our end users.

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Part 2: What is the NURO® Touchscreen Controller?

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 7, 2020 9:31:18 AM / by Patterson-Kelley posted in Condensing Boilers, Non-Condensing Boilers, Water Heaters, commercial boilers, stainless steel boilers, controls, smart controls

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NURO BLog Part 2 PictureIn our last blog, we discussed the NURO® Touch-Screen Controller at a high level. We looked at some of the time and cost-saving capabilities of using the NURO® platform to integrate between the boiler/water heater and the building’s needs, and some of the physical aspects of the advanced controller. In Part 2 of this series, we want to dig a little deeper into some of the capabilities that differentiate the NURO® from other boiler controls on the market.

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